We hosted biscuit-palooza on the weekend. A baking competition split into a choc-chip and an open category. There were 4 choc-chip entries and 9 open entries ranging from carrot cake to mars bar slice.
The cookies were accompanied by tea and coffee, then beer and champagne to cut through the sugar high and then as numbers dwindled, a bottle and a half of whisky between Jason, Philippe, Kim and I. With pappadams.
Treen Tyson cleaned up with gold and silver in the open for her sticky date pudding and choc-peppermint biscuits while Kim Gravelle took out the prestigious choc-chip category with his wife's baking. Amanda's mars bar slice took out bronze and was a great result against the elite bakers of Singapore.
My mousse-cuit was voted worst in show. Thus the bottle and a half of whisky.