I made a visit to the spice market which was a phenomenal experience. People all though the alleys and main street were sneezing and coughing from the spice aroma through the air. The alleys were exceptionally exciting - very narrow, winding and hectic. I wasn't sure if I should be there and was anxious, excited, nervous and wary at the same time.

I did not get approached by any beggars and did not find the driving that crazy so my India experience was pretty different from many. Lying in the softest bed I have ever slept in, I was more conscious of the poverty on the street outside my window, however was fairly isolated from it.

Weirdest experience? Eating in an Indian restaurant that was African-jungled themed however the piped forest sounds were donkeys braying and dogs barking.

Having spent so long in China it was interesting to think about India's development and position as the "other regional superpower" and it does not compare well. The lack of development, infrastructure, maintenance of prime attractions..... anything, just pales to what China has achieved. Talking about India and China in the same context of global influence and commercial importance appears many years off.