Smelled and rubbed by a curious giant anteater with baby.
Searched and nudged by a hungry coati.
Struggled with by an elephant trunk snake who would rather not be moved.
Growled at by feeding jaguars advising me to back off.
Teased by picky sturgeon who demand hand feeding.
Licked by tapirs mistaking sweat for a salt lick.
Smiled at by the ghairal when watching the keeper's back.
And spending an hour scrubbing the Ganges River of algae. Yep, it only took an hour, but there was two of us. It wasn't all fun though. Cleaning cages and exhibits, prepping food for all and sundry, back-washing and cleaning filters, sweeping, moving and caging. I probably added and hour to the keeper's day with distraction and annoying questions but it felt like a rare opportunity.
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